
Fish and mussels by Jorge


 -16 sheets of cannelloni . -200 g. of clean monkfish. -100 g. of peeled shrimp. -16 mussels. -1 onion. -1 garlic clove. -1 glass of white wine. -1/4 l of béchamel. -Oil -salt. •For de sauce velouté: -Oil -Milk -Flour. -Cooking juices of the mussels. -salt-pepper. •For de cream of vegetables: -potatoes -French beans. -Chard. -Oil -Salt.
Boil the cannelloni in boiling salted water. Drain and reserve. Open de mussels by cutting in a casserole with white wine.
Separate the meat from the shell and reserve the strained broth. Chop finely tomato, onion and garlic. Wet it with a little oil in a casserole.
When poached, add the monkfish, cut into small cubes, chopped shrimp and dip it all few minutes. Put salt to taste and blend with mechamel to make the filling.
Add a half of the mussels. With the cooking juices you reservered prepare a velouté: a spoonful of flour wet in oil and add the stock slowly and stirring continuously.
Prepare the cram of vegetables boil water with oil and salt the beans and the chard , clean and chop, with peel potatoes. Next crushed, fill the cannelloni and prepare them in a bowl.
Garnish with the mussels and serve.

And listen to the song about cockles and mussels:

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